Parish Hall
The Parish Hall is available for hire for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and social functions. There are limited cooking facilities but there are refrigeration facilities available in the newly refurbished kitchen.
Wittering Parish Hall is accessible to people who use wheelchairs as there is a flat level entrance and no steps or ramps to negotiate. There is a disabled toilet in the building. There is free parking outside the Parish Hall in the car-park but there are no disabled parking spaces marked out.
Application Forms and Conditions of Hire are obtainable from the bar of the Sports and Social Club or from the Clerk to the Council.
Scale of Charges
Residents on the Wittering Register of Electors
• Social functions, parties, classes, meetings, etc. £15.00* per hour or part thereof.
• Fundraising events for local recognised charities £10.00* per hour or part thereof
• Wedding receptions £200.00* per day
*Including setting up time
Non Residents
• Training sessions, classes, parties, meetings, etc. £30.00* per hour or part thereof
• Fund raising events for recognised charities £30.00* per hour or part thereof
• Wedding receptions £400.00* per day
*Including setting up time
Commercial Lettings
• Sale of goods, trade promotions, exhibitions, etc. £100.00* per hour or part thereof
*Subject to prior consultation and payment in advance
Caretaker and Key-holder
Mrs Romayne Burton
Telephone: 01780 783987
Mobile: 079 2005 7949
In compliance with insurance and security regulations, the keys to the Hall may be collected on the day of the function only on production of the Council’s official receipt for the above sum if paid in advance, or in cash or cheque to the Caretaker when collecting the keys.
Cheques must be made payable to “Wittering Parish Council Only”.
All Enquiries to the Clerk to the Council
Mrs Deirdre McCumisky
Telephone: 07565 499346
The calendar shows current hall bookings. The times shown reflect the hours for which the hall is booked and not the start time of any particular event.